Sunday, March 25, 2007

It's been awhile

Right, right I know, I haven't done this in awhile, midterms and spring break saw to that, but fear not because I have come abck with a vengeance and have been inspired by one of the greatest movies of all time, in my not -so-humble opinion. Well, to refresh whoever reads this, last time I logged in I played the game as the Japanese Empire and realized because that CIV started off on an island it had no room for physical expansion; ergo, this time around I decided to play the game with small island continents consisting of five CIVS, myself included.

I decided to play as Greece and named myself Leonidas, in honor of Frank Miller's 300. My strategy started out simple enough expand when the game tells you to create a settler and keep up your food surplus, nothing more nothing less. Well this had some FANTASTIC results, for instance my military always surpassed my opponents by at least 1000 years but here is where I ran into my problem, I couldn't expand anymore without invading Persia (talk about historical irony). So I invaded Persia who shared the same island with me and had complete control over the island. From there I figured "That was fun and Spain is the lowest rank on the totem pole and is really pissing me off, let's attack!" Once I developed my entire island I decided to invade Spain and launched myself to the center of the Spanish island and simply divide and conquer by sending one batallion of tanks and cavalry to the left and one batallion of tanks and cavalry to the right. Made short work of them, but here came the next problem, the third island ws shared by France and Russia and they decided to create some settlements on my newly conquered island and that made my mission very clear.......CONQUER THE WORLD. I proceeded to go after France because....well, it's France and the fact that they were the 2nd most advanced CIV out of the 3 of us so I want to take them out A.S.A.P. .

France took awhile because I had underestimated their infantry which consisted of musketmen destroying TANKS....TANKS!!!!!!!!! I knew that the game was just trying to piss me off and it worked so I sent MORE tanks, around 30 to be precise to destroy all of their military units and conquer their cities. After I completed that time ran out as I was about to prepare my assualt against the Russians which were wedged between what was France and the newly claimed Spanish island.

I ended up winning the game with a domination victory but one thing that I learned two things while on my conquests. The first was to keep your people happy, when not fighting I tried not to produce military units but just keep up all of the economic and cultural possibilites that I could manage. The second lesson was that destroying the cities that you conquer is not necessary and takes less time to bring those cities up to speed with the rest of the Empire, hence my greatest attributes were technology and speed.

I can't wait to go at it again and really bring the world to its knees.