Sunday, April 1, 2007

Archipelago pt.I

well this one is going to be short and sweet just because it isn't done. Due to a mix of experimentation and time pressed circustances I have had to cut this week's session in half. So far I've setup a world where I am again King Leonidas of the Greek Empire and am trying to bring the world under my thumb. I am determined to get a conquest victory and have wanted to experiment and see if playing the game a piece at a time will improve my performance because of the fact that I am allowing my mind to rest a little bit and be bale to refocus on the game and perhaps learn some better strategies in order to get that conquest victory. Plus the fact that time seems to be a fleeting commodity also helps.

So far in the game itself I have gotten my kingdom into the medieval period and have already eliminated one of the 3 cultures (myself included) occupying this particular island of this archipelago. The culture I eliminated was Rome. At first my troops were still mere warriors a few catapults and I think an archer or two. Rome only had one city.....Rome, and I thought they would be easy pickings. They were not, they defeated all of my men with the same archer, I didn't even get to kill the guy!!! But it was ok because they didn't retaliate and soon after we declared peace. In the meantime I decided to keep upgrading my technology and improving my trade and knowledge of the global map. I discovered two other cultures so far, Spain and I think Morocco (I'm not sure I've never encountered this CIV before). Once I felt my military was advanced enough and was sure they had a chance to win I sent them in against Rome once again, but instead of one city now there were 5. I successfully captured them all and assimilated them into my empire, I now control the entire lower portion of the island and am ranked the highest among all of the cultres by at least 600 years if not more.

My next goal is to eliminate the only other remaining culture on the island, China and after that the WORLD.......of CIV4.

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