Friday, April 13, 2007

Archipelago pt.II-Finale

Well, it's been two weeks since my last post and I DO apologize. Seems like the end of the semester means that all Hell breaks loose. Anyways, so pt. deux!!! Alright, well let's refresh the old memory. I destroyed Rome and was on my way to Destroying China, Spain, and the Malinese in hopes of achieving a complete conquest victory. Unfortunately the game deprived me of such a victory. How, do you ask? The game admitted deafeat. I was on my way to annihilating the 4 remaining cities of the Malinese when the game declared me the winner. Sure I'm glad I won, but I'm pissed that I couldn't destroy everything.

Well here' s what I learned from the game: my technological superiority was so far advanced than every other players' that they honestly had no chance in catching up to me. I was 3000 years ahead of them in technology my soldiers were on average worth 5 times as more as their average. I had gunships being produced left and right, anf tanks as well. I didn't even try to make my CIV a militant one but it's ironic that I named myself Leonidas and my society became as militant as the Spartans.

Well here's the recap of the game itself, I at first started up a little rough because I decided to just attack the Chinese and they whooped my ass. Luckily I was just producing my first regiments of cavalry, once I felt that I had built up a large enough army I just went city by city and took them all out. The rest of the game was pretty fast paced because the Chinese had little settlements on islands with Spain, so in order to erreadicate the Chinese I would have to build up my navy. This helped out because once I destroyed the Chinese I just turned around and declared war on Spain because my men were rady and in position. Little did I know that Spain had a huge naval fleet, the only downside was that I had one destroyer they had 15 galleons which didn't last very long against my ONE destroyer. So I took care of Spain pretty easily and now only Malasia was next. Once I invaded them they proved to me that the naval theatre would not be occurring as it did with the Spanish. By the time I invaded Malasia, my cavalry had upgraded to gunships and my infantry had upgraded to SAM infantry. I was able to conquer two major Malasian cities on the mainland because I figured that once I dealt with the heart of the beast it would be pretty easy to eliminate the rest of the little settlements that the Malasians had across the map. Oddly enough the Malasians with their longbowmen were knocking down my choppers and I'm still kind of scratching my head wondering how a bow and arrow can take down a gunship? Anywho I realized that I needed reinforcements so I pulled together a good 40 units comprised of tanks, SAM infantry, and more gunships in order to just take the rest of the island. It worked, but sadly once I was preparing to ship off to the other islands the game declares me winner by domination victory.

The game compared me to Herbert Hoover, which is better than Dan Quail, who I had been getting each time. I finished the game with 6903 points, which I think is good; not entirely sure.

I learned from this game that one complete obliteration of your opponents is NOT POSSIBLE in this game (tear), but most importantly I learned that if you create a HUGE food surplus and build up your military units quickly in one phase with large numbers it then just becomes a strategy of maintaining capital instead of constantly trying to continuously create new units. After this is achieved, it is important to follow the advice the computer gives in order to continue peace and prosperity amongst the cities and continuously have your workers improving the cities or trade networks between them.

Next time I would like to try and economic victory or perhaps a UN victory and see how the afore mentioned strategy holds up against this new objective.

1 comment:

La Pensadora said...

You certainly seem to have perfected the art of conquest victory. I'm trying conquest for the first time this game, and I think your experience will be very helpful. You seem to have few rivals, though. Have you ever tried conquest on Earth scale with nine civilizations (Rome, Greece, Germany, Egypt, Persia, Mongolia, India, China, and Japan)? If so, how did it turn out? Did you find it more difficult, less difficult, or about the same?